In the
A practitioner's perspective on math, education & change.
The Argument for Problem Solving First
Engaging students in problem solving before instruction increases learning of mathematics. Analyze the evidence from published studies and get ideas on how to incorporate this instructional approach in your own math classroom.
Educational Access for All
By preparing our courses so that students with disabilities can overcome barriers to access, we are utilizing the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) guidelines. The purpose of this blog is to share some small changes you can make to the learning environment so that all students can participate without barriers, increasing equity and access to quality education.
Pandemic! The Roller Coaster
It’s been two years since spring break 2020 where many of us left our campuses and were not able to return. Two years of ups and downs with living and teaching through a global pandemic. Let’s take a moment and reflect on how these two years have affected us and how we might take these lessons learned to move into a new future.
How is your teaching?
Teaching is my passion. It can be frustrating, it can be lonely, it can be challenging, and it can be pure joy. Because it is my passion, I want to know that I’m teaching as best as I can and supporting my students’ learning. But how do I know if I’m teaching well?
Building a Classroom Community
From the first day of class, whether in person or online, we can take steps to foster community. The benefits of building community are numerous. Students can hold each other accountable for attending class and engaging in class activities. They can engage in group learning more effectively by knowing each others’ strengths and weaknesses. They can also engage in respectful classroom discussions involving multiple perspectives that could otherwise lead to controversy.
Exploring equity-focused assessment
This was the best semester of teaching stats in the 20 years I've taught that class. Why? Because I feel like they truly achieved the course objectives and can now use statistical thinking in their lives. It wasn't about me and what content I "got through." It was about how much they learned.
Building Relationships with Students
It can be challenging to get to know your individual students at the college level as you do not see them frequently and likely have no prior connection. Building positive, personal relationships with your college students takes time and effort, but putting in that little extra work is well worth the results.
Personalized Learning for the College Math Classroom
With the anticipated learning loss due to the pandemic, forced remote learning, and the ubiquitous use of technology for the classroom, there has been considerable talk about personalized learning. What exactly is personalized learning? What are the advantages and disadvantages of other strategies? And, most importantly, how do you implement personalized learning in the college math classroom?
Project-Based Assessments
In this blog, Arlene Vinion Dubiel shares what makes an exemplary project-based assessment with the intent of helping others to identify, modify, and/or create high-quality project-based assessments.
What have we learned?
Most of us will be going back to in-person learning in the fall, but we can’t go back to exactly how things were before the pandemic started. What are these lessons we have learned, and how do we use them when we see our students in person again?