In the
A practitioner's perspective on math, education & change.
The Argument for Problem Solving First
Engaging students in problem solving before instruction increases learning of mathematics. Analyze the evidence from published studies and get ideas on how to incorporate this instructional approach in your own math classroom.
According to research: Corequisite results over time
It’s easy to perceive corequisite remediation is a subpar substitute for a full developmental math course. The “just in time” approach doesn’t appear to provide students with the natural development of all the topics we believe are necessary to fully understand mathematics. However, the data doesn’t bear this out. tudents are more successful having taken a corequisite, not only in the college level math course needed but also with other metrics like graduation and motivation
Scientists Little Secrets
Science has been under fire since the pandemic started. It is my intent with this blog to explain what scientists do, how scientists think and communicate with one another, and how to go about fact-checking science-based statements that are made in the news.
Teaching Students to Analyze Data
Not knowing how to analyze data is a universal issue and we, as instructors in STEM, can and should teach our students how to analyze data. It is in grappling with data that deep learning can occur.
What does the research say?
Research suggests that far more students are referred to developmental education courses than necessary, and that developmental education presents a barrier to students’ success. As a result, many in the field have called for reforms to developmental education to address these challenges.