In the
A practitioner's perspective on math, education & change.
Dissecting the News: A Closer Look at CCRC’s Research on Guided Pathways
CCRC provides regular research and reports that are incredibly valuable to practitioners. There’s no degree in developmental redesign. This body of knowledge evolves and grows daily, and staying up-to-date with the research and connecting that to our work with colleges is extremely important to me and Almy Education.
How Almy Education Helps Schools Implement Transitional Math
The Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness Act (PWR) takes a student-based and competency-based approach to helping students achieve college and career readiness. If you are in Illinois and need help with your implementation, read on for tools you can use. If you are not in Illinois but are interested in the idea of transitional courses, this blog can give you ideas for what this intervention could be like in your state or school.
State Developmental Education Reforms
Research has indicated that college and university developmental math programs, as they currently are, produce poor results with low student success rates. To address this, state legislators are intervening, creating policies that range from support for reform to mandated approaches. In this post, let’s look at a few states executing developmental education practices through laws or mandates.
Education Reform: How Faculty Engagement Moves the Needle
Higher education is typically in a state of reform. With the pandemic, that has only accelerated. When initiatives for change are enacted, having stakeholders at the forefront is critical to the amount of the time needed for the initiative and its success. Which stakeholders have the most influence on success or failure of higher ed initiatives? Faculty.
How Successful Course (Re)designs Help Eliminate Equity Gaps
It’s no secret that higher education has an equity gap problem. But this isn’t a new issue or one caused by COVID-19. This has been an ongoing concern for far too long. Let’s take a look at what educational equity is, how it’s affecting our education system, and how implementing effective developmental math redesigns can aid in eliminating equity gaps.
June 2021 Recap
Since I think everyone has passed the finish line (cue the song “School's Out”), I hope you have already had some time for rest and relaxation, or you, at least, have something planned. While our students are making the most out of their summer, we're wired a little bit differently. Yes, we need a break and a chance to exhale, but we also know what we should do to make our lives easier in the fall.
May 2021 Recap
While you deserve this much-needed break, it’s also an excellent time to catch up on items you missed during the year-end chaos. In case you missed my May series, “Redesign Doesn’t Happen in a Vacuum” (videos below), I give practical information on buy-ins, funding, and impacted areas that will help you navigate your redesign.
April 2021 Recap
I know that you’re giving everything you can to your schools right now, leaving very little time to read through emails and blogs. For Almy Education’s last April blog post, I’ve recapped all of our April communications (newsletters, blogs, emails, etc.), all in one centralized location.