May 2021 Recap
Congratulations! You’re in the home stretch of this challenging (to say it politely) year. Whenever your school year officially ends, I’m sure you’ll be eager to shove those lesson plans, procedures, protocols, etc., to the side for a few weeks. While you deserve this much-needed break, it’s also an excellent time to catch up on items you missed during the year-end chaos.
In case you missed my May series, “Redesign Doesn’t Happen in a Vacuum” (videos below), I give practical information on buy-ins, funding, and impacted areas that will help you navigate your redesign.
So, why am I bothering you with this now? They say the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is today. If you want to start piloting a redesign in the near future, you need to start thinking about this sooner than you think.
For Almy Education’s last May blog post, I’ve recapped all of our May communications (newsletters, blogs, emails, etc.), all in one centralized location.
From the blog
Grading to promote learning
As you complete your grading for the academic year, consider whether your course grading system promotes a learning orientation or a task-completion orientation. Changing a course grading system to focus almost entirely on summative projects produced final grades that rewarded quality over participation and effort.
Redesign doesn’t happen in a vacuum
Redesign always takes longer and is more involved than we first expect it to be. With many unforeseen components, those simple suggestions to “improve a course” or “enhance a placement policy” don’t stop there. Instead, they’re simply starting points. In this post, I give you practical information on the role of buy-ins, funding, and other impacted areas that will help you navigate your own redesign.
what have we learned?
Most of us will be going back to in-person learning in the fall, but we can’t go back to exactly how things were before the pandemic started. What are these lessons we have learned, and how do we use them when we see our students in person again?
Graphs in the World
Redesign doesn't happen in a vacuum
Redesign requires buy-in
Redesign and funding
Redesign and other areas
Ready To Jumpstart Your Math Redesign Momentum?
Create effective, equitable & quantifiable change in your math program built on the good work you've already done.