June 2021 Recap

Since I think everyone has passed the finish line (cue the song “School's Out”), I hope you have already had some time for rest and relaxation, or you, at least, have something planned. While our students are making the most out of their summer, we're wired a little bit differently. Yes, we need a break and a chance to exhale, but we also know what we should do to make our lives easier in the fall.

Whenever I finish a school year, I always reflect on what went right, what went wrong, and what could have been better. Recently, I did the same with my business. As a result, my team and I determined our greatest skillset and who it best serves. 

To learn more about Almy Education's recent shift, watch my videos below. To access valuable information and resources for the fall, check out the following:

From the blog

project based assessments

In this blog, Arlene Vinion Dubiel shares what makes an exemplary project-based assessment with the intent of helping others to identify, modify, and/or create high-quality project-based assessments.

a change in our business strategy

In this post, I talk about some of the changes we’re making at Almy Education, why we’re making them, and how they will affect you

stopped by math

Why does math stop interest in science? There is a need for more STEM graduates to fill the projected growth in STEM occupations. What can we do to support and encourage those students who are interested in STEM, but then get stopped by challenges?

Graphs in the World

Getting real about faculty

Do you have a plan?

Is the classroom changing?

Is it working?


Ready To Jumpstart Your Math Redesign Momentum?

Create effective, equitable & quantifiable change in your math program built on the good work you've already done.


How Successful Course (Re)designs Help Eliminate Equity Gaps


Scientists Little Secrets