In the


A practitioner's perspective on math, education & change.

eLearning Arlene Vinion Dubiel eLearning Arlene Vinion Dubiel

Remote vs. In-person Learning

When Covid-19 got its foothold in the United States, and schools left for spring break never to return, we had to scramble to switch to fully remote learning. Now that we're resurfacing from the pandemic, many stakeholders are pushing for remote learning to continue. There are advantages to remote learning, and it does need to be utilized. Still, there are situations where being physically together in the same room can offer exceptional learning opportunities.

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eLearning Guest User eLearning Guest User

How do I teach math online?

Teaching math online opens the door to teaching math as a concept rather than a set of skills. Use breakout groups included in web conferencing software to promote student interaction and critical thinking. One idea for a good discussion prompt is described with more to follow in the next blog post.

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eLearning Kathleen Almy eLearning Kathleen Almy

What does it take to teach online effectively?

COVID-19 has consumed everything in our world, in particular, it has completely upended schools, colleges, and universities. Teachers everywhere are scrambling to get their students online and recover what's left of the school year. Every organization, mine included, is trying to help. 

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