With change comes discomfort

When it comes to improving something, such as your health, a policy, or a math program, assessment is always an integral part of the process. As you assess, know that it's common with any substantive transformation to feel a bit of discomfort along the way. What this means is that you're not going to feel comfortable with everything that's happening. Know that, accept it, and move forward. Discomfort comes with the territory, and it's part of any change.

When I work with colleges on their math programs, I know sometimes it's hard for faculty and administrators to separate what they're being asked to adjust and what their brain tells them is true. When this happens, I always say, "Just keep swimming," as Dory would say. You might feel out of your element, and it may test your patience, but you'll make a difference in the end, plus produce results that are worth it.

In this video, I share the changes I made with my statistics class last fall and the outcomes. I also share my process to create that change, which was not always comfortable. But, in the end, it was worth it.


when research challenges our assumptions


Math Redesign: Working with administrators