In the


A practitioner's perspective on math, education & change.

Teaching & Learning Arlene Vinion Dubiel Teaching & Learning Arlene Vinion Dubiel

Building Relationships with Students

It can be challenging to get to know your individual students at the college level as you do not see them frequently and likely have no prior connection. Building positive, personal relationships with your college students takes time and effort, but putting in that little extra work is well worth the results.

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Teaching & Learning Arlene Vinion Dubiel Teaching & Learning Arlene Vinion Dubiel

Grading to Promote Learning

As you complete your grading for the academic year, consider whether your course grading system promotes a learning orientation or a task-completion orientation. Changing a course grading system to focus almost entirely on summative projects produced final grades that rewarded quality over participation and effort.

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Teaching & Learning Arlene Vinion Dubiel Teaching & Learning Arlene Vinion Dubiel

Feedback for Learning

Formative assessments take many different forms: exit tickets, quizzes, rough drafts of written assignments, prototypes for projects, and more. Whenever you have evidence of students learning, it can be used as a formative assessment. Even the summative test results can be used to see areas of strengths and weaknesses to inform the teaching of future classes.

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Teaching & Learning Arlene Vinion Dubiel Teaching & Learning Arlene Vinion Dubiel

Exit Tickets for Learning

The concept of the exit ticket is that students must turn in a ticket before exiting the class. They are quick to administer, only requiring the last two to three minutes of class and they can provide good information on where students are in terms of next steps. In this blog, we talk about these four main purposes and how these exit tickets benefit you or your students.

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