In the
A practitioner's perspective on math, education & change.
How to Teach Graphing
Reading graphs and extracting essential information has proven to be challenging for many. The global pandemic laid bare a widespread deficiency in graphical literacy among the general public, including undergraduate students. In this article we discuss the three relatively recent articles that stand out, dissecting graphing instruction and assessment and offering essential insights on cultivating graphing skills in students.
Teaching Data Analysis: Part 2
We cannot address data analysis without discussing how to represent data and communicate it clearly using graphs. Similar to the data analysis process, we usually tell students how to create a graph, but rarely let them try, and fail, to make an appropriate graph for themselves. This week, we’ll address how to teach students to make appropriate choices when it comes to creating graphs.
Relevant Graphs for Your Class
Data means graphs. Significant, relevant, real-world graphs. And yet, in most math courses, students only see the graphs they find in their textbooks. Years ago there were valid excuses for us using contrived graphs. That is not the case today.