Portability: What it is and why it is required


Author: Kathleen Almy

A note to the reader: while this blog deals with an Illinois-specific requirement, other states may find the approach used applicable to their transitional math implementations.

In last week’s blog, I discussed the concept of portability as a way to ensure fidelity of a transitional math implementation. It’s an approach that is required in Illinois for all public high schools. But what it is exactly? And why is it required? Take a look at this video to find out.


If you are implementing transitional math outside of Illinois, consider the components of the Illinois approach that could work for you and those that don’t. You may want to share the video with others on your implementation team. 

If you are in Illinois, check out information on the upcoming portability course we will be offering to walk you through the process of application. Registration opens soon.

In next week’s blog, Jessica Bernards and Wendy Fresh will be sharing about a specific tool they use to increase engagement in their math classes. They are math faculty who also consult for Almy Education. Learn more about them here.

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