January 2021 Recap
We made it. We’re one month into 2021, and we’re persevering. Some of us might be doing so by the skin of our teeth, but don’t forget that every victory (small or large) counts.
I know that you’re giving everything you can to your schools right now, leaving very little time to read through emails and blogs. For Almy Education’s last January blog post, I want to do things a bit differently. Below I’ve recapped our January communications (newsletters, blogs, emails, etc.), all in one centralized location.
Blog Posts
Motivating Students to learn
We know too well that if students are not engaged, they will not learn. In this blog post we discuss goal orientation; ego-involved, task-completion, and learning, and how this impacts student success.
What developmental math needs
Higher education already had problems before Covid-19. The inconsistent and inequitable solutions colleges and universities were implementing to improve retention, persistence, and completion are insufficient. Remote learning only made the problems more apparent. Here’s what we’re doing to change that.
Graphs in the World
Below are our free Graphs in the World handouts for January. Print them and show them via a document camera or just pull up the PDFs for your class. These activities are great exercises for the beginning of your class, whether they're remote or in-person.
Quick Takes YouTube Videos
Since it’s a new year, I’ve changed it up a little. My weekly newsletter videos are now called Quick Takes, and they’re a max of two to three minutes long. The idea of these short messages is to give you something quick and useful to use as educators, regardless if you’re an administrator or a faculty member.
Make a connection
Something to talk about
Stop admiring the problem
If you’re interested in receiving any of this information in real-time, subscribe to our weekly newsletter.