Effective redesign with student success in mind
If your college is similar to most community colleges or private universities, chances are you’re executing a math approach for underprepared students that simply isn’t working.
And your student outcomes, faculty buy-in, and overall faculty, administrator, and student math experiences may be suffering.
At Almy Education, we know how frustrating it can be to see a problem but not have a productive solution for it.
In fact, our clients tell us, “We’ve discussed, planned, and implemented, but nothing seems to happen or change.”
That’s where we come in with our uniquely broad math expertise and redesign history.

Who Almy Education is
Kathleen Almy, founder of Almy Education, understands the intricacies of redesign. She’s been on both sides of the table as an administrator and math faculty member.
Kathleen understands the struggles both groups incur. In fact, that’s a big reason why she created Almy Education. Kathleen prides herself on being the go-between for math faculty and administrators - not just supporting one group or the other.
As a neutral third party, Almy Education guides colleges through redesign to achieve real change, saving schools time and experimentation so that students benefit sooner. Instead of dictating change or approaches, she works as your partner to operationalize this process.

Who you are
Since you’re here, we’re guessing your institution is stuck in one of these redesign scenarios:
You don’t know where to begin to improve your student outcomes
You’ve been making changes and trying pilots, but no discernable change is happening
You’re struggling to get another campus group, such as faculty or administrators, to engage with the redesign process
You’re looking to build more equity and inclusion into your program, especially with instruction and/or assessment
If you fall into one or more of these categories, Almy Education can provide the support, tools, and training to get you to where you want to go.
Almy Education’s Approach
Instead of the random acts of redesign you’ve experienced in the past,
we guide colleges through a thoughtful, four-phase approach to reach efficacy & equity at scale:
Develop a strategy for modernizing curriculum and policies that faculty support
Measure outcomes and iterate so that your implementation gets more effective over time
Guide cross-campus teams to create a plan with the exact next steps
Support faculty and other college areas while they implement the plan
Almy Education’s Approach
Instead of the random acts of redesign you’ve experienced in the past,
we guide colleges through a thoughtful, four-phase approach to reach efficacy & equity at scale:
Develop a strategy for modernizing curriculum and policies that faculty support
Guide cross-campus teams to create a plan with the exact next steps
Support faculty and other college areas while they implement the plan
Measure outcomes and iterate so that your implementation gets more effective over time

Your Redesign, Easier and Faster
We help schools wherever they are in the process of change and figure out which of our supports can help. Throughout the process, Almy Education builds consensus and addresses issues and concerns, modernizing your policies, course sequences, and classroom experience.
Your redesign has to work for your unique college, including its faculty, staff, administrators, and students, long after we leave. We listen closely to build the strategy and plan that your stakeholders can live with, and we support your college through implementation and iteration to operationalize the change that is made. We are here to make the process of change smoother, simpler, and faster.